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Exercise Breakout Sessions

Brenda Mazanec

The Movement Connection

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15-Minute Exercise Breakout Sessions

  1. Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR! Moves)

  2. Rock Steady Boxing


Owner of The Movement Connection fitness center in downtown Colby, Kan., Brenda has a strong passion for providing a positive, supportive, active environment while also promoting wellness, fitness and nutrition. In addition to being a certified Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR! Moves) Instructor, over the past 20 years she has fostered a commitment to researching the connection between movement and the human development. During Parkinson's Families' free weekly therapy sessions every Wednesday morning, Brenda offers her expertise with specialized PD fitness classes, incorporating PWR! Moves and Rock Steady Boxing instruction.


Brenda holds bachelor degrees in Health/Physical Education, Family & Consumer Science, and Vocational Family & Consumer Science from Panhandle State University. Additionally, she is certified in infant massage, reflexology, and Reiki, just to name a few. 



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